
Can cause and effect help me in any way?

 When the spirit body enters the flesh, it must face, accept, deal with, and let go of all kinds of causal relationships.  Such as good times, bad times, karmic partners, soul mates, twin flames...etc.

 Humans’ dualistic thinking often produces certain myths. Although the spirit body chooses its own blueprint for destiny, the body can also choose its own destiny.  These causal relationships must depend on personal goodwill. It can help a lot, but it can also be harmful.

 For example: if you give a chainsaw to a frenzied human, he may become a Texas chainsaw murderer who chops people everywhere; if you give a chainsaw to a professional construction engineer, it can also be used to chop cypress, and then  Build a beautiful cabin.

 Noble people in good and adversity can help each other and harm each other at the same time; karmic partners can help each other and harm each other at the same time; soul mates can help each other and harm each other at the same time.

 From now on, get rid of the dualistic thinking in your mind: either black or white, positive or negative, right or wrong, enemy or friend, good or evil... etc.

 The most important thing in life is to see the wisdom transformation of opportunity choices from emergencies, which will surely benefit us a lot throughout our lives.

 -Lin Yu Shih 




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