“The Truth”



Everything has two sides.  For example: because of human intelligence and inertia, the elevator is invented to make life more convenient; because of intelligence and inertia, I always subconsciously want to rely on shortcuts.

 The Creator gives everyone a natural "self-healing ability", which is fair in this regard.

 Excluding congenital diseases, go to the clinic to see a doctor and take medicine to treat the symptoms of mild illness, but not to take care of the body and strengthen the immune system to cure the cause.  For example: you get fat without exercise and often catch a cold, but in the end choose to take diet pills and cold medicine to treat the symptoms, rather than relying on regular exercise, rest and drinking hot water to cure the cause; another example: life encounters difficulties and obstacles and immediately seeks  God's divination, this is the physical brain blindly grabbing driftwood without thinking.  He thinks he uses the most convenient way to treat the symptoms, but completely ignores that the spiritual body has the natural excellent self-healing ability.

 "Faith" is the most powerful self-healing tool of the spirit body.  Belief has nothing to do with religion or others, but a firm belief in yourself. What you believe is fact.

 The self healing ability is

 what you believe is true.

 In daily life, there are many ways of self-healing, and sincere enthusiasm varies from person to person.  Through meditation, meditation, sound therapy, creation, reading, dialogue, eating, exercise... etc., the vibration frequency of pure energy can be efficiently increased, and intuition can be enhanced to strengthen belief. This is the "field" of the universe.  The connection of the spirit is the part of the return of the spirit.

 Only when the "basic" is cured, can the correct "standards" be used to assist, such as: I Ching, Bagua, Ziwei Doushu, Tarot, Constellation, Mayan Calendar, Spirituality Course, Teacher... etc., otherwise  It's just putting the cart before the horse.

 Body, health, consciousness, self;

 Heart, healing, subconscious, id;

 Spirit, awakening, superconsciousness, superego.

 Body, heart, and spirit are all me.  Return yourself to zero every day, and match the self-healing abilities that belong to the body and mind.  When the internal negative information is eliminated, even the external negative information will also be eliminated. You will have incomparable beliefs to overcome everything in life, that is, external "uncertainty" and internal "incompleteness" .

Know it, know why.

 -Lin Yu Shih 




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