


 What would you look like if you had no body?

 In a three-dimensional world, according to current scientific research, all matter is composed of atoms with surrounding electrons; and the nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, and the smallest unit of matter measurement-quark is also found.

 Mankind uses the fusion and fragmentation of atomic nuclei to provide a stable foundation for energy development for the development of capitalist society. It is also used as a killer of defense weapons, such as nuclear power plants, atomic submarines, nuclear weapons... etc.

 Being invisible and inaudible does not mean that it does not exist; seeing and audible does not mean that it must exist.

 According to Einstein's mass-energy equation, it is known that all matter in the universe can be transformed into energy; even an ore on the earth is full of energy, because it is actually in motion relative to the stationary you  Yes, you just can't see it.

 In the finite body of matter, the vibration and frequency of energy are different.  There are electric fan blades whose speed is so strong that you can't see them at all, and their frequency is beyond your reach.  For example: a life body with more than three dimensions, even if the energy ball is in front of you, you cannot detect its existence, because the speed (vibration) is so high that you can only see things behind the fan blades; of course, there are also the speed (vibration) weak to you  You can hardly see the moving blades of the electric fan, and its frequency is something you don't want to really approach.

 Imagine if we never saw bodies and we only saw people’s energy.

 -Lin Yu Shih 




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